
MT. JULIET MOVER: Rachel Marie Martin, author


Please tell us something about yourself.

“I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and lived there for over 40 years. My whole family still lives there and every July we return and go to the lake with my dad's family. I currently live in Mt. Juliet.”

Married, children?

“My husband, Dan R Morris, and I have a large blended family (11 children). And as if we weren't busy enough, we adopted a rescue dog last year. Our youngest is almost 15 and the oldest is 28.”


“I attended the University of Minnesota.”

Have you always enjoyed writing?

“I've always loved encouraging others, and writing and speaking have become a way for me to do that full-time. My first book, The Brave Art of Motherhood, is about overcoming excuses that keep us stuck and creating new patterns to help us move forward in life. My second book, Mom Enough, is a collection of letters I've written over the past 12 years on my website Get Your Spark Back is my third book, out August 27. It's a guide to reigniting your soul and answers the questions 'What's next?' 'Who am I now?' and 'What if it's too late?' with practical encouragement and action steps.”

Tell us about your last 1,000-mile run.

“I was a casual runner, but then my daughter Grace enlisted in the U.S. Space Force and as part of her pre-boot camp training, I decided to run the Providence Trail with her. After she left (May 2021), I continued running and then in 2022 decided to run the distance between my driveway in Mt. Juliet and my parents' in Minnesota. That distance was 899 miles. A few months later, Dan noticed I was ahead of schedule and challenged me to run the thousand. I did the math and figured out that if I increased the distance, I only had to run three-tenths of a mile more. So I set that as a goal. I ran the last 899 miles in Minnesota and into my parents' driveway where my mom was waiting and I hugged her. Super meaningful. I ran the last mile in front of my house while my family and neighbor cheered. That was pretty awesome. The inspiration for 'Get Your Spark Back' came from all of those runs.”

Why do we have to put ourselves first?

“We're really good at scheduling our family's events, but we often put ourselves last. When we put ourselves first, we can show up stronger, healthier, and more focused. Plus, we set a good example of self-care for our family and the next generation.”

Have you always been self-confident? Was there a crisis that steered this career path?

“I would say that I have always been curious about the human experience. I remember reading Steven Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in high school and loving it. I have always enjoyed encouraging others and cheering the human experience. When I became a single father, my courage was awakened and I was incredibly determined to change my financial situation and give my children a better life.”

Future books?

“Possibly, yes. People ask me that a lot, but I'm not a writer who just writes a book – I really have to wait until the inspiration is there and I know it's time to write.”

You are present on television, in print media and on social media. Why is this your passion?

“My passion is to be a spark of hope for others and to remind them that they are valuable, capable, strong, courageous and capable of living a joyful life. Television, print and social media are the modern channels that allow me to express this passion.”

The best advice you have ever received or given?

“One of my favorite quotes is 'Fall down seven times, get up eight.' I love it because it doesn't say, 'Fall once and figure it out.' Rather, it recognizes that falling is a part of life. Sometimes we judge the falls, but when we learn from them and have the courage to get back up – that's powerful.”


“Besides running, I play the piano and garden. And I love disc golf (which I discovered during the pandemic).”

If you could spend an evening with any person from the past or present, who would you choose and why?

“My Grandma Maxson. She died a week after giving birth to my second daughter Chloe. Before that she had Alzheimer's and her last years were a struggle. My grandmother loved classical music, listened to me play Beethoven and had this deep knowledge and care. She died so early in my time as a mother and I have so many unanswered questions about her life, her childhood and her dreams and would love to spend one more moment with her.”

Current obsession?

“More than disc golf: the shaken espresso oat milk drink available at Starbucks.”


“Our rescue dog, Frank E. (I like to call him Franklin and when he gets into trouble, he’s just Frank).”

Where would you like to travel?

“Back to New Zealand (I've been there twice and love it) and also to Italy (I studied Italian in college for three years).”

Your favorite family activity?

“Hiking, going to the beach, watching movies.”