
Will Adam and Sally separate again?


In a Young and restless Preview for the week of August 19-23, Billy takes charge! Read on for the details and watch the video below.

Billy and Lily have been feuding over Abbott-Chancellor since they split from the Winters Group. Fearing that Victor would attack her company because of his hatred of Billy, Lily convinced Billy to keep a low profile at the company. Or did she? Billy came to the conclusion that he was no longer the problem Lily thought he was, even though at the exact same moment Victor ordered Adam to launch a negative attack campaign against Billy and Abbott-Chancellor! Next week, Billy tells Lily, “I will be working alone at Abbott-Chancellor and your services will no longer be needed.” Does Billy really think Lily will go without a fight?

Summer and Kyle's problems only worsened when Summer went to Victor to force Kyle to take action in their custody battle for Harrison. Meanwhile, Jack and Diane continue to clash with their son, who #TeamVictor to prove himself to his parents. Next, Diane says to Jack, “Maybe we should ask ourselves, 'What would Victor do?' He's the expert on dirty tactics.” Jack winces, “I hate to stoop to his level.” Diane muses, “Well, if it takes a little moral compromise to save our son, I'm willing and able to make that sacrifice.” Will Jack and Diane start playing dirty like The Mustache?

Eventually, Billy and Sally overhear Chelsea and Adam in the park talking about Connor and the “one night” they spent in Baltimore… Next, Sally says to Adam, “Yes or no. Did you sleep with Chelsea in Baltimore?” Will Adam come clean? Is this the end for Adam and Sally and Billy and Chelsea again?

Be sure to read our Young and restless Spoiler: Find out who calls in a favor and who gets inside information!

Check out our gallery below The 40 most iconic characters in the soap.

Video: Young and restless/Facebook